Todays post is brought to you by the letter Z and the number 6.
I'm taking my first sick day off work in months. This is quite an achievement for me, as someone who used to have at least one sick day a month (provided I hadn't run out of paid sick leave). Now, this isn't due to me being slack, lazy, whatever. I'm one of those people who got sick a lot (and still do) and I also had issues with chronic tiredness. My doctor was on the verge of putting me on antidepressants as I had horrific moods as well as poor sleep and constant tiredness and no motivation.
However, a good friend of mine suggested I get my vitamin b12 levels checked. So I did and they were quite low. You can read some more about the effects of deficiency
here. My doc put me on an intensive course of 5 injections over a fortnight. It helped a bit and it got better as time went on. She then tested me again, after about 3 months and it was low again. So I'm now on three monthly injections of it. They hurt like a bitch but the positive effects are nothing short of remarkable. Getting up in the morning was no longer an uphill battle, I could cope when life got hectic (i.e post Feb 22) and I didn't get as run down. My body tells me when my 3 months are nearly up. Like today - I'm still learning to listen to my body. I think I should try and sneak them in every 2.5 months just so I don't get days like this.
Today I feel weak and lethargic - shaky, too, despite having eaten breakfast. I had a busy day yesterday and my emotions are getting out of control. I'm snappy, can cry at any given moment and have very little willpower. The temperature in the room is 23-24 degrees and my dressing gown is a little too warm yet I feel cold if I take my dressing gown off. I'm lucky that there is such an easy fix it, though.
We don't know the cause - I've been tested for pernicious anemia, had my thyroids checked, my intestines and digestive system and I'm not a vegan and eat red meat a couple of times a week. I just can't absorb it from my diet for some unknown reason.
Anyway, I could do with a nap now.. There's a part of me that misses couch-camping...